SAP Business One

SAP Business One is an ERP system that supports small and medium-sized enterprises globally. SAP B1 helps manage all financial and accounting, sales, purchasing, manufacturing, and warehouse management, ... on the same single database system.
Overview of

SAP Business One

SAP Business One (SAP B1) is a powerful enterprise resource management tool designed specifically to contribute to streamlining the apparatus, finding effective management ways to take advantage of all available resources as well as minimize operating costs and improve operational efficiency. SAP B1 provides a complete view of the entire operation of the business from finance and accounting to production, sales, purchasing, inventory management, and human resources,... Simple, efficient with reasonable cost, SAP Business One supports users in systematizing and processing information in real-time thereby shortening decision-making time, and contributing to promoting businesses to grow strongly.

What is SAP?

SAP (Systems, Applications, and Products in Data Processing) was developed by SAP SE, Europe's largest software company based in Walldorf, Germany.
SAP is ERP software developed to help businesses systematize data, thereby managing all business operations effectively. SAP supports data analysis and efficient information flow management between departments, thereby significantly improving decision-making time, and improving productivity and operational performance.

What is SAP Business One?

SAP Business One is a comprehensive management solution, specifically designed to meet the management needs of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
SAP B1 integrates all of your business's critical business information from various core business functions. It includes Finance, Sales, Customer Relationship Management, Purchasing, Manufacturing, and Inventory Management, ... All information is stored in the same database, the same highly secure system that makes it possible for businesses to access and search for information quickly. SAP B1 ERP system provides access to different functions in the enterprise.

Why choose SAP B1?

1. Save time and cost managing the business.
2. Reduce the cost of managing the business from finances, purchase, and inventory, from customer relationship management to project management, and human resources activities, ...
3. Provide information as soon as the need arises, helping to make quicker and more accurate decisions.
4. Data synchronization helps to minimize differences, and avoid having to enter data multiple times.
5. SAP B1 supports VAS reporting, in line with Vietnam's accounting standards.
6. SAP B1 has a fast processing speed in real-time, and a user-friendly interface, including for those who do not have IT expertise.

Investment costs for SAP B1 system

SAP Business One is designed to fit the needs and budgets of small and medium-sized businesses.
SAP Business One costs are calculated on a user-by-user basis, so the total cost of the project will include royalties according to the number of business users, maintenance costs, and deployment fees. With a modular structure, businesses can invest according to current management needs and upgrade as the business grows in the future.
The above article summarizes the most general information about SAP Business One products, please contact us for more in-depth advice