SAP S/4HANA is an ERP solution for large-scale enterprises, groups/multinational companies/..., with high characteristics. The system allows management according to the model of Group - Corporation - Regional Company by country - branch or factory ...

Overview of


The development process of S/4HANA Enterprise Management (ERP) solution

Originating from the versions such as SAP R/2, R/3, and ERP ... In 2016, S / 4HANA products were born based on the foundation of In-Memory (HANA) technology. It was developed by SAP. Sap Business Suite 4 SAP HANA or SAP S/4HANA is an ERP system that inherits all the user experiences of previous versions and is applied the most advanced and smartest technologies to serve businesses around the world. In addition, S/4HANA products can be deployed and operated in many different environments such as on-premise, cloud, or a combination of the two forms (hybrid environment) to help businesses have many options and easily operate the system.

What does SAP S/4HANA do?

SAP S/4HANA supports planning to use the resources of the business in the most optimal way, also known as ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) with smart technology built by SAP's team of experts with nearly 50 years of experience, including AI, Machine learning, and advanced data analysis tools. SAP S/4HANA will transform the overall operational process of the enterprise thanks to smart automation technology run on the market-leading SAP HANA database. The facility stands out for its fast real-time processing speed and an optimized data model.

Some of sap S/4HANA's strengths

1. Flexible application on-premise, cloud, or hybrid environment.
2. Integrating AI technology, machine learning, and advanced data analysis tools.
3. Application of in-memory database and a simplified data model.
4. Applicable to businesses in many different fields.
5. Put into practical use at many large corporations around the world and received positive feedback from customers.

What is SAP S/4HANA?

Specifically, SAP S/4HANA provides advanced processes, which have been applied in thousands of businesses around the globe, helping to connect and regulate the entire operation of the business, thereby supporting all employees to make informed decisions in the shortest time.
     With Finance - Accounting (FICO)
SAP S/4HANA supports businesses to manage information on Finance and Accounting, support the development of financial statements while simplifying the accounting and auditing process, improving financial risk management processes, and managing funds and real estate, ...
     With Manufacturing (PP)
SAP S/4HANA helps businesses improve the integrated production planning process (MRP) which is very complex, thereby helping to accelerate operations, while also supporting technical work and improving product quality management.
     With Product Research & Development (R&D)
SAP S/4HANA improves project management, product lifecycle management, and accelerates the technical assurance process, and increases the efficiency of the product's output requirements testing process.
     With Sales (SD)
SAP S/4HANA applies exclusively to sales to help businesses achieve the highest possible revenue with a specialized system to manage orders and contracts, and manage customer information/partners / ... thereby supporting the team and the manager responsible for sales activities strongly and effectively.
     With Warehouse and Purchasing Management (MM)
SAP S/4HANA helps businesses collect data on the purchase and sale of goods, and supplier information, and automate the management of purchasing activities. In addition, support the logistics management process in monitoring the status of supplies, and safety stocks and warn when the safe inventory is below the minimum, ... this helps businesses minimize risks in the supply of products.
     Other areas according to management needs and industry characteristics.

Finally, what benefits do businesses benefit from applying SAP S/4HANA?

1. Reduce the amount of data to be stored by 50% by organizing the data properly
2. Increase the rate of reporting extraction by 100 times, supporting quick and accurate decision-making;
3. Applying the latest AI technology, thereby collecting expensive insights of the industry and customers to improve business operations;
4. Owning an advanced data analysis system, meeting information requirements in real-time;
5. Store data systematically and streamlined by eliminating cumbersome, unnecessary indicators;
6. Increasing competitiveness in these areas is the strength of the enterprise, because SAP S/ 4HANA is built and tested in thousands of enterprises around the globe, thereby drawing and designing processes that are specific to the field of operation of the enterprise;
7. Constantly update feedback from the customer experience, thereby correcting errors and improving productivity;
8. A variety of implementation options, thereby saving time and accelerating the implementation as planned.
The above article summarizes the most general information about SAP S / 4HANA products, please contact us for more in-depth advice.